Brewster USA
@Jun/'01 USA

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Brewster: Farming machine shop

I came to Brewster Washington in USA, after finishing my job at Ujingen Germany spending two days stop-over in Japan. In Japan, it was terribly busy having tele-conference with K manager in London office, arranging my continued business trip for another 3 months, and having final meeting with Tiger Team members that had mission to launch the satellite successfully. I hardly got into the plane at Narita Airport heading to Seattle received the necessary foreign currency to spend my next three month in USA and other countries.
At my house in Sagamihara, I found two new cats had become as family member. One is gray colored one and the other was black and white colored. The gray one was hurt in her left leg and drag it whenever she moved, so the injured part rubbed with earth and its part never got well. I felt little relieved seeing the gray was not thinner at all, instead it looked rather fat and not lost her weight. I heard that in the later day, one of the animal volunteer took her to the animal hospital and asked the treatment. I could not meet with black and white one during my short stay at my house.

Check in terminal for American Air was terminal 1 instead of usual terminal 2 I often use. Terminal 1 had long been under renovation works and had completed recently a half part of it. Departure lobby had become considerably larger than previous one. Desks for rap-top PC were prepared with AC power source but without analogue or LAN connection terminal. At AA counter, emergency contact address was asked and a name tag on all luggage was required. Group boarding system was employed. I was in group 2. According to the company regulation of our Australian branch, business class ticket could be provided if the flight was more than 12 hours. The flight time between Narita and Seattle was 7 hours and half, so we missed business class ticket but got economy class ticket. My seat was in window side I always request, but in the far rear law where engine noise was much louder than the front law seat. We departed Narita 16:55 on 13/Jun, arrived Seattle in the morning of the same date, since passing international date line during the flight.

The plane arrived south wing of SeaTac Airport. The immigration control was extremely crowded. It took an hour and half just to pass the immigration control. I was little surprised that many people who were behind the immigration control officer did not speak well and had difficulties to communicate with immigration officer. Those were not Japanese but other Asia and other countries people. That was the fact not everybody could speak fluent English on earth. We had to fill in the address in States and hold a return ticket. Finally we passed through the immigration control and proceeded to baggage claim area. We could pick up our luggage straight away since we spend a good long time at immigration. Another gate were waiting us, the customs clearance. I was asked few simple questions from customs officer, and replied as usual. I had never expect that customs officer said to me "Good English". So, many people who pass through this gate could not speak understandable English at least.

Now, we moved to Gate-C where flights of Horizon Air depart by airport bus. Arrived to Gate-C I had been in about an year ago. There were plenty of time until the flight to Wenatchee departs. Changed the TC to US Dollar cash. Handling charge was high as 15 dollars per 500 Dollars. Before going on board, lets have some some snacks at airport restaurant Samuel & Adams in Gate-C area. I ordered Submarine Sandwich, I do not know why this name was put to the menu till today. It cost 9.27 dollars, a bit expensive for snack. The volume was really big, but I ate all of them leaving nothing, since I was grown up in farmer's house where foods was handled very special and should not be spoiled at all.

Colombia River along route 97            Wenatchee: Pangborn Airport

Arrived Wenatchee by Turbo-Prop Plain of Horizon Air in about 40 minutes. Got a rent-a-car at Hertz airport branch. We drove up R-97 along the Colombia river. American routes are all free, so great many people move by car dragging huge camping car behind. Some Camping cars are extremely large, so they dragged the normal car behind camping car.The cars dragged behind camping car were as large as full size car in Japan. The size of the camping car is twice as large of the European one. By one hour drive, we reached Brewster where we were going to stay another few weeks. Apple Inn Motel was the lodge we took as same as before. It located along the route 97 on the edge of the town. The price of the lodging was slightly raised because of the top season of people moving.

The owner of the whole facilities had been changed. It became VERESTAR instead of USEI. The access road to the facilities was also had been changed from 66C USEI drive to 66C VERESTAR drive. I was little surprised when I saw the leaflet placed in the information board. The leaflet said that VERESTAR also owns Leuk Earth Station in Switzerland that I had engaged heavily on its construction works in 1973 for #1 Station, 1993 for #3 Station, 1985 for #4 Station and many others. I remembered that my close friend of SWISS Telecom said one day, the whole of the beautiful Leuk Earth Station had been sold out to one of the American Telecommunications Company. At that time I did not noticed the name of the American Company, now it recognized that the name of the Company was VERESTAR where I am working for. Horse cottage, and ranch style large farm house, all had been demolished and no more existed, only the field had been stretching in front of the station facilities. A large white dog used to lay down his big body in the corner of the station was also not seen anymore. He also moved together with the family of the former owner.

Having tired of eating Mexican foods everyday, one day, we went to Campbell in Chelan 20 miles away from Brewster. The bar lounge was so crowded when I visited last year, and we were introduced to the salon room, instead, the bar lounge was sparsely populated and could get our seats in it. The Bar was made by dark colored wooden wall and floor that I liked it very much. There was a scripture on the wall saying, "To fit into society, one must go to church or to the Pub." There were two big TV sets above the two corners of the Bar lounge, so that people can watch sports event like soccer or baseball game, it is like sports bar. On the TV screen, baseball match of Seattle Mariners was on. Many local people seemed enthusiastic fans of Mariners, two men in front wearing Mariner's Cap gazing the screen putting beer and wine glass on the table. A loud and bursting voices were heard intermittently. Mr friend ordered beer before the meal. Then a waitress of the restaurant said to him, "ID please". He was little surprised, since he never expect that kind of question in the restaurant. Probably, he seemed so young, I mean, below 18 years old, in this state, one who is under 18 years could not drink alcohol in public. This is the country of law and contract. People tend to keep it as much as possible. Unfortunately, at that moment, he did not any identification of his age, no beer was served. We Japanese is usually short and looked younger as he actually is, so this kind of things may happen in US sometimes. Poor my friend had to remember to carry his ID whenever he goes out.

Brewster is the apple storage center in triangular land developed along the Colombia River connected to Okanogan River coming from north, Canadian border. A big storage house of Dole and Magi located close to the state high way. A big sixteen wheels truck could be accessed directly to these storage houses. Many Mexican people would help cropping apple in end summer each year, so Mexican people were seen in wide area of this area along the Colombia river. Street signs were sometimes written in Spanish together with English. It was our saying that only one Mexican restaurant and one Mac in the town. We were so pleased when we found another small sandwich restaurant in the town.

17/Jun/'01 Rinzo@Brewster USA (Updated on 22/Dec/'05)

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