Everyone can take pinhole pictures using
materials within our reach. There is no need to have an expensive camera
and the specialized knowledge of photography. In fact, when I experienced
pinhole photography for the first time I made use of a tea-can and took
pictures with a photosensitive paper instead of a film put inside the tea-can
pinhole camera.
I was then very supprised to know that a
pinhole camera with few functions could take pictures, which is nothing
to do with a sophisticated camera. Since then I have become crazy about
pinhole photography.
The charms of pinhole photography are not
only their particular images which are different from those through a lens.
Although pinhole photography taken by a handmade camera needs trial and
error manner it helps us to invent to take pictures according to one's
need and to express more easily than the ordinary camera if we use our
The pictures shown here are pinhole ones
born in handmade camera (except polaroids). I hope you can feel the difference
of the images from those through a lens and rediscover the potentials of
a "primitive" camera.
Mieko Tadokoro's Pinhole Studio
Parisian Landscapes born in Camera Obscura |
May 1st to May 20, 1997 |
T3 Gallery, Tachikawa |