
     Ten years have passed since I met Pinhole Photography. While I have taken pictures of Parisian monuments, landscapes and show-windows, I have been taking also indoors, little by little, pictures of fruits and vegetables I found at the "marché" in Paris.

     Different from outdoor shooting indoor shooting needs much longer exposure time, almost half an hour a shot and I have worked them out for such interests as:

     - Is it possible to reproduce the light the objects diffuse in the paintings of "Still Life", which are said to be painted by the help of Camera Obscura in 17th century?

     - What will be represented with a pinhole, not the human eyes nor the lens of camera, in gazing the objects?

     In serach of better quality of images I used a 8 x 10 inch second- hand camera reformed by myself. You can see this camera in the gallery.

                                                       Mieko TADOKORO

From Parisian "Marché"
May 10 to May 16, 2000
Kodak Photo Salon
manual/material/monochrome pinhole photography by Mieko Tadokoro
by          Mieko Tadokoro