White LED interior lighting and LED tail lighting for 4yg coach.
Circuit diagram
Please click to enlarge the diagram.
Control circuit board(with c96 function decoder).
- The Control circuit board installed in one of toilets.
- Two output for tail light has flicker-free condenser (C21,C31 each 2200uF)
- 1000uF condenser(C11) for keeping room light relay about two seconds.
- D11, D21, D31 works to avoid over flow of capacity of back up condenser to another function output.
- R11, R21, R31 prevent to over currency when back up condensers are charged.
- Also one white LED for toilet light up is installed in the board.
High voltage circuit board.
- The High voltage circuit board installed in one of toilet.
- The white LED has higher Vf(nominal forward voltage about 3.6 - 4.0V). If the circuit driven by conventional voltage(16V) there are almost no effect of back up condenser. From the result of my test, one white LED needs 4000uF condenser for sufficient back up effect. From that reason, it needs higher voltage of power source.
- To keep effect of back up condenser, the high voltage circuit produces two times higher voltage(about 40V) than power source(=rail).
- The voltage doubller circuit consist of four diodes and two 3300uF condensers(D1, D2, D3, D4, C1 and C2).
- Two of 3300uF condensers(C3 and C4) for flicker-free lighting.
- A relay switches the LEDs on and off by signal from f3 of c96. When f3 turned off, 5.6k ohm resister(R1) connect to back up condenser and discharge them to prevent damage for white LEDs.
Main circuit board.
- The main circuit board devided two parts.
- 13x white LEDs(D311- D334) are installed.
- 6x series resistors (R311-R332) are installed.
- A connector for pick up from rail already factory installed by hübner in each divided board.
- A connectors for tail light in each divided board.
- 9 pins connector between two main board.
Tail light circuit board.
- The tail light circuit board has two chip type small LEDs and resistor(R101 and R201).
- The shape of board is suitable for bridging end entrance.
- Back of the board painted in same color of inner wall of coach.
- Control circuit board +c96 and high voltage circuit board are install in both toilet in the end of cabin.
- Tail light circuit board installed in the end of wagon.
Completed wagon
Important parts:
- White LEDs: Nichia chemical NSPW-315BS (3mm dia, milky white cover)
- Chip type red LEDs: TOSHIBA TLRE1002
Copyright © 2000 by Jun Maeda / KOBE JAPAN