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● Morin huur/Horse head fiddle High grade specification

Please note that the products we
are dealing with are slightly different from the picture you see.
- ・Special price : 70,000 JPY (included consumer tax 5%)
- Made by Mr.Enkhjargal who are working at a studio"Swift Horses" located in Ulaanbaatar,
the capital of Mongolia.
- ・Size : 100(length)×30(width)×10(depth)cm
(・Body : white berth
・Surface board :spruce ・Chord : nylon )
- Accessories
- ・Bow : tail hair of a Mongolian horse
- ・Spare : short wood poles for sustaining the body and chord
- an artificial leather instrumental case
About Mr. Enkhjargal
Still young but very talented artisan.Many professional Morin Huur players use his Morin huur.
He learned at Mr.Baigaljav, and then established his own workshop "Ajinai huur", which means instruments of Swift horses.
He prefer using nylon strings and try to make Morin huur of world standard.
Nylon strings are less influenced by climate, temperature compared to horsehair.