Structure of the determination process of Japanese pitch accent
Introduction to Japanese pitch accent
Rules of notation
1. Word accent
Noun and other accent-fixed parts of speech Attached word succeeding noun or similar word
4mora and over
Noun and other accent-fixed parts of speech
Represented by / , N or F , form* , -numeral or 0* . *: omissible
Common noun
/N 0
・Other noun and all other accent-fixed parts of speech
/F 0
・Attached word succeeding noun or similar word
Represented by + , form , -numeral or 0*. *: omissible
+○0 ○ represents 1mora. エ, オ, カ, ガ, ト, ニ, モ, ワ etc. Except the followings.
+ャ0 or -1
+ノc0 Only in case succeeding 2 and over mora naun /N-1. c0 means that the previous nucleus is cancelled and ノ has no nucleus.
+ノ0 In other cases.2mora
+○○-2 (Including ○+○) カモ, コソ, サエ, ナラ, ノミ, マデ, ヨリ etc. Except the followings.
+シカ-2~3 -2~3 means that the nucleus transfers to one-mora front.
+カラ0 0 may be omitted hereafter.
+ダケ0 or c0
+○○○-3 (Including ○+○○, ○○+○) Except the followings.
+ラシイ-2 or c-2
+ラシク-3 or c-3
+グライ-3 or c-3
+ゴトキ-3 or c-3
+カラ○-2 The nucleus is constantly located on ラ regardless of the number of ○.
+ダケ○-2 or c-2 The nucleus is constantly located on ケ regardless of the number of ○.4mora and over To be regarded as a sequense of above words.
+ゴトc (means “together with”)
+ドコロ○c-4 or -4
+ソオc-2 (but 0 only in case succeeding /F0. ex.シンパイソオ)
+ソオダc-3 (but -1 only in case succeeding /F0.)
+ソオナc-3 (but 0 only in case succeeding /F0.)
+ソオデスc-4 (but -2 only in case succeeding /F0.)Represented by / , Va or Vb , dictionary form* or stem part*[conjugation name] , -numeral or 0* . *: omissible
Dictionary form
/V (irrespective of accent type)/Va[テ]-3 *1
/Va[タ]-3 *1
/Va[テル]-4 *1
/Va[タラ]-4 *1
/Va[タリ]-4 *1
/Va[テタ]-4 *1
/Va[テ○]-4 *1
/Va[チャ]-3 *1
/Va[discontinuance]-2 *1 ヨミ ナゲ etc.
/{+オ/V[ren'yo]}0+ニナル-2, スル0, クダサイ-2 オ is a prefix.
/Va[ナガラ]-3 or 0
/V[ナ]-1 (light imperative)
/Va[ソオ]-2 (surmise)
/Va[ソオダ]-3 (surmise)
/Va[ソオデス]-4 (surmise)
/Va[ソオナ]-3 (surmise)
/Va[ソオニ]-3 (surmise)
/Va[ワ]-3/シナイ *1
/Va[モ]-3/シナイ *1
/Va[ニ]-3/イク *1
/Va[ナイ]-3 *2
/Va[ナイデ]-4 *2
/Va[ナイ○]-4 *2
/V[intention]-2 ヨモオ ナゲヨオ
/Va[バ]-3 *1
/Va[レバ]-3 *1
/Va[ド]-3 *1
/Va[レド]-3 *1
/Va[possible]-2 ヨメル ナゲラレル
/Va[imperative]-2 *1 ヨメ ナゲロrule:If the nuclear position number is larger than the number of moras of the word, the nucleus position does not go over the /. ex.あれ見て /Fアレ0/Vaミ[テ]-3~2
*1 When the dictionary form is /Va-~3, the nucleus moves to one-mora front. ex.帰って /Vaカエッ[テ]-3~4
*2 When the nucleus is to be on the euphonic change ン of ラ, the nucleus moves to one-mora front. ex.分んない /Vaワカン[ナイ]-3~4
/Vb[discontinuance] ナキ アゲ
/{+オ/V[ren'yo]}0+ニナル-2, スル0, クダサイ-2 オ is a prefix.
/Vb[ナガラ]0 or -3
/V[ナ]-1 (light imperative)
/Vb[ソオ] (surmise)
/Vb[ソオダ]-1 (surmise)
/Vb[ソオデス]-2 (surmise)
/Vb[ソオナ] (surmise)
/Vb[ソオニ] (surmise)
/V[intention]-2 ナコオ アゲヨオ
/Vb[intention]-2+ト or +トc
/Vb[possible] ナケル アゲラレル
/Vb[imperative]-1 ナケ アゲロRepresented by / , Aa or Ab , dictionary form* or stem part*[conjugation name] , -numeral or 0* . *: omissible
Dictionary form
/A (irrespective of accent type)Conjugated form
/Aa[ソオ]-2 (surmise)
/Aa[ソオダ]-3 (surmise)
/Aa[ソオナ]-3 (surmise)
/A[カロオ]-2rule:If the nuclear position number is larger than the number of moras of the word, the nucleus position does not go over the /. ex.映画良かった /Nエーガ0/Aaヨ[カッタ]-5~4
/Ab[ソオ] (surmise)
/Ab[ソオダ]-1 (surmise)
/Ab[ソオナ] (surmise)
/A[カロオ]-2Attached word succeeding verb or adjective
Represented by + , form , -numeral or 0*. *: omissible
+ナ (surmise, admiration)
+ソオ-2 (hearsay)
+ソオ○-3 (hearsay)
+べキ-2 or c-2
+ラシク-3 or c-3
+グライ-3 or c-3
+グライ○-4 or c-4
+ドコロ-3 or c-3
+ドコロ○-4 or c-4
+ナ-2 (prohibition)
+カ-2 *3
+カ○-3 *3
+ガ-2 *3
+サ-2 *3
+シ-2 *3
+ノ-2 *3
+ノ○-3 *3
+ン-2 *3
+ン○-3 *3
+カラ-3 *3
+カラ○-4 *3
+ナラ-3 *3
+ニワ-3 *3
+ナド-3 *3
+デス-3 *3
+ッテ-3 *3
+ケレド-4 *3
+カシラ-4 *3
+ダロオ-4 *3
+デショオ-4 *3
+ヨ0 or -2 *3
+ゾ0 or -2 *3
+ト0 or -2 *3
+ダケ0 or c0
+ダケ○-2 or c-2
+ラシイ-2 or c-2rule:When the nuclear position number is larger than the number of moras of the word, the nucleus position goes over the +. ex.するから /Vbスル0+カラ-3
*3 When the nucleus is to be on the イ of /Vb[ナイ], /Vb[タイ], the end of /Ab, the nucleus moves to one-mora front. ex.知らないから /Vbシラ[ナイ]0+カラ-3~4
2. Phrase accent
Phrase accent is a concatenation of the accent of independent word and that of attached word.
Noun phrase accent is generally given by
Nα+ attached wordβ→{N+ attached word} (α-number of attached moras) andβ.
(α, β: 0 or minus number taht indicates the nuclear position. If α=0, (α-number of attached moras)=0.)
The process of this rule can be simply noted as
/Nα+ attached wordβ.ex. Nアナタ-2+ダカラ-3→{アナタダカラ}-5and-3
simple notation: /Nアナタ-2+ダカラ-3
Verb(or Adjective) phrase accent, while it's independent part is given by
V(A)χdictionary form→conjugated formα,
(χ: type a or b.)
is generally given by
conjugated formα+ attached wordβ→{conjugated form+ attached word} (α-number of attached moras) andβ.
(If α=0, (α-number of attached moras)=0.)
The process of these rules can be simply noted as
/V(A)χdictionary form[conjugation name]α+ attached wordβ.ex. Vbアゲル→アゲタ0 and アゲタ0+カラ-3→{アゲタカラ}0and-3
simple notation: /Vbアゲル[タ]0+カラ-3
Representation of compound and derivative
For explanation of word composition and nuclear position change process, using { } and ~ :
{{{/アサヒ-3~0/シンブン0~-4}+シャc-2~3}+イキc}+ノ or
/ :Independent word (Beginning of accent unit)
Va:Verb of undulant type
Vb:Verb of flat type
Aa:Adjictive of undulant type
Ab:Adjictive of flat type
[]:Name of conjugation
N :Common noun
F :Other accent-fixed words(other noun, stem of adjectival noun, adverb, attribute, conjunction, interjection, numeral, numeral+counter etc.)
+ :Attached word(particle, affix, component of complex word, etc.)
- :Nuclear position by retrogressive notation or:Both ways 0:no nucleus (0 can be omitted)
~ :Transfer or change of the nuclear position *4 (number followed by ~ can be omitted)
c :Cancellation of the nucleus before +
{}:Word composition*4 Nucleus transfers to one-mora front or one-mora back when supposed to locate on ン, ッ, the second half of prolonged sound, the second half of vowel hiatus, voiceless mora. Shortage of mora or other kinds of reasons cause nuclear position change.
Introduction to Japanese pitch accent Case study Data
c N.Komori 2012