23rd Honolulu Marathon
@Dec/'95 Hawaii

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Honolulu Airport ;        Sunset at Magic Island

On 9th December, I was in Keisei Line from Yokohama heading to Narita instead of usual Rimousine Bus between Shinjuku and Narita that I take whenever I travel on business. Thanks to my past carrier, I often have travelled a lot almost every corner of the continents. But I had never travelled abroad on private, it was my first private overseas trip. I was on my way to participate the 23rd Honolulu Marathon to be held in Hawaii. The reason I took Keisei Line was simple, that was the most economical means to travel between my house and Narita airport. I made an appointment to meet with Mr. A who is my friend at work and running practice. One day in August, we decided to participate the Honolulu Marathon that is regularly held in every December. Today is the departure date for that Honolulu Marathon.

I started riding motor bike to suppress my stress on the work, and maintain the health of both mind and body. But riding motor bike did not help solving another problem I had, the chronical shortage of physical practices. In addition, to my embarrassment, I happen to know the value of neutral-fat in my blood was extremely high to the normal value at age 40, I started running every weekend. I started, in the beginning, to run 3 to 5 km at a time. Soon, I became to be able to run around 20 km at a time. I do not care about the time, run the distance slowly and with fun. After having some confident, I made entry to one of the city marathon held neighboring town twice or so annually. This combination of motor bike and running worked worked almost perfect to solve my problems of stress on works and shortage of physical practices simultaneously.

After having participated several time in local city marathon in Japan, I was thinking to participate overseas marathon event. Honolulu marathon was most famous one that I knew. I had never been in Hawaii yet. I decided to go to Hawaii. In one of the most busy time in the year, in December. I had holidays to go to Hawaii. It was great change in my work attitude. This thinking had never come into my mind in the past. Am I get old? I was 48 years old at that time. This age might not be categorized as an old man in one sense. I was putting more value on spending my time on my own health and pleasure than my work. This change gave even surprise to myself.

I packed running shoes and a few clothes to change into my favorite day-pack I bought in Spain. No other bag to carry. So small luggage compared with usual big luggage and extra boxes, sometimes dozen of these on my business trip. Lighter luggage made mind even brighter. So different feeling I had than traveling on business. Traveling on Keisei line to Narita Airport took more time than usual, but I even felt better and rich.

In order to make sure to reach the airport on time, while I was taking the different way than usual, I left my house two hours earlier. Instead, I arrived to the airport with over one hour redundant time. Spend the time writing cards to my overseas friends at cafe corner looking down parked planes on tarmac. At the meeting time with Mr. A, I went down to the lobby where Tour Operator (Hitachi Marathon Tour) were briefing instructions to the tour members. About half of the tour members seemed repeaters of the tour, they were paying no attentions to the speaker. I was a quite novice of this kind of group tour. I carefully listened all instructions of the speaker. My friend Mr. A was also one of them who is listening her words.

I ever take adverse opinion on the uniformity that Japanese often take on their behavior. But this time, I am putting myself right on that kind of behavior, a group tour to overseas country. To my surprise, I found myself even enjoying of being one of the group member. I never had the usual hatred feeling on the group tour. Human being is seems to be made so flexible to adopt the circumstances whatever one encounters. This was my first oversea trip on my own account. I was really feeling high on expecting entire new experiences.

The plane we got on board was exclusively arranged flight for Honolulu Marathon. Everybody on board were participants for the Marathon. Captain's greeting was also prepared for runners. The plane arrived Honolulu airport at 06:00 in the morning on the same day. It was the first plane arrived on that day to Honolulu airport. A huge airport looked as if it was reserved to exclusive use for us. There was no long queue that are very common scene at any airport around the world. My first visit to Hawaii. An impression of the Hawaii was terribly good to me. Immigration officers were well accustomed to handle Japanese. Most of them know some basic Japanese to entertain us. They even knew that we came to participate on Honolulu Marathon. Immigration check was so smooth and simple. They finally let us into the States inviting us saying "Honolulu Marathon Desuka? Douza." in Japanese.

At the bus terminal outside the customs gate, reception staffs of the local agent for each tour operator were waiting with their operator's logo flag. We got in the yellow Rabbit bus prepared for our tour group. The local staff had same looks like us and speaks fluent Japanese, through they are real local American citizen.

The Marine life reserve: Hanauma Bay

Check-In time of the hotel was 15:00 hours. Until that time, a half day tour of Oahu was arranged. We visited several sightseeing spots by yellow colored Rabbit Bus. Around 30 people were in the bus. All of us were member of the same marathon tour of Hitachi tourist. Passed by Pearl Harbor on our right, went up Nuanu-Pali pass, that was famous of the strong wind all year around, punch-ball (cemetery for war-worriers) where we could look down beautiful Waikiki beach and Diamond-head, and came down to Waikiki taking round route of Diamond-head. The local staff of our Rabbit bus was young lady like popping TV talent, gave us short explanation of major points we visited or passed through.

After the half day sightseeing tour, we attended welcome party combined with briefing on this tour at Hotel Koma in Waikiki. We listened the explanation delivered by the local staff of Hitachi Marathon Tour, having sandwiches and drink at our hands. Detailed schedule of the next day's marathon race and general notices for the entire period of the trip were addressed.

We now, went to each hotel we reserved prior to the departure, and checked into the hotel. I took the same room with my friend Mr.A. The hotel was Outrigger Waikiki Surf, 4 stars hotel in Kuhio Street. The room was just good for the purpose. We do not need luxurious room for the accommodation as a marathon runner.

In that afternoon, went out the the breach side, and jogged around Waikiki. Gentle breeze from the Pacific cleanse my face in moderate 28 degree C. Back to the hotel after checking the start point of the early next morning. The whole town is decorated in full Christmas illuminations. Illuminations were not only lit up the main street but also, many windows of high rise apartment houses.

I wonder why so many Japanese in Waikiki at year around. I knew that week was special because of Honolulu Marathon, some 25,000 Japanese would participate on the event alone. So many shops prepared for Japanese buyers, in many shops, Japanese can be spoken. I usually avoid to dine at Japanese restaurant in foreign country, knowing that the taste is not quite genuine and price is really high. But, I broke my rule in Hawaii. Because it seems no difference than Japan in both taste and price. It almost perfectly settled in the town like middle of Tokyo. We took Oyako-Donburi and Sushi. The grain foods are rich in hydrate-carbon that easily could be converted into energy supply in the body during running. We had to get up at 2 o'clock in the next morning. Let's call it a day and go to bed early for tomorrow.

Woke up by the morning call at 2 o'clock in the morning. Rice ball and banana are delivered at hotel lobby for the runners. This was really a early morning breakfast. At 3 o'clock, we got into bus waiting outside the hotel that would take us to the starting point, Ala Moana Park just front of giant Ala Moana Shopping Center. It was only few hundreds meters away form the hotel. We could walk to the point, but it was pre-arranged activities that we had to follow. The street was extremely crowded since over 30,000 people rush to the same point from all over Waikiki. It took more than 30 minutes to travel few hundred meters by bus. There was another two hours until start time of 5:30. We just walked around to keep the body warm enough.

At 5 o'clock, race of wheel chair started. It was first time I saw the race of wheel chair marathon. Fast, I had never imagine so fast wheel chair runner went through. They were much faster than normal top runners. The course was set, the first leg was to the Pearl Harbor direction, and returns at just before the Pearl Harbor.. Approximately in 15 minutes, they came back to the start point and run away to Diamond-head direction on Kalakaua street. The street should be cleared off, otherwise it was so dangerous. There was possibility a bad collision accident between wheel chair and pedestrian at any moment. Volunteer workers were repeatedly calling attentions to the public and normal runners who were waiting the start that come in another fifteen minutes.

Now, it was our turn to start for the ordinal runners. General coordinator was chairman of Honolulu Youth Union. He speaks both his mother tongue English and fluent Japanese. His words of welcoming and detailed attentions during the race were heard through the loud speakers flawlessly. He said, the current temperature was 27 degrees C., humidity was 75%. please take water at 17 aid stations set up along the course, and etc.

Five minute to start, fire works was launched over the still dark Waikiki beach. Mood of festival was just bursting into the climax. Runners took their position behind the placard that indicated estimated time to finish. Top runners were of course in front line. I took my position behind the 6 hours placard, almost in the end of flocks.

At 5:30 flat, 23rd Honolulu Marathon was started with loud starting bang sign. But, nobody in front of me start moving ahead. It took entire several minutes until we started moving ahead. It was really slow start I liked it. Birds resting their night in the street trees made surprise noise due to unusual atmosphere a cloud of people made on starting the Marathon. In about 30 minutes, we came back to the starting point again after turning return point before Pearl Harbor. The sky was just dawning in the east Pacific horizon.

Run through Kalakaua street that was the main street in Waikiki along the beach. Eccentric rich cheer groups from different countries were giving us encouragements. They worn in their local dresses and waving their country's flag in hand. Turn left on Capiolani park that was set as the goal point, and pass the skirt of Diamond-head to the Kahara district. The morning sun shining brilliantly in front of us over the blue Hawaiian water. At that time, in full rush, a group of wheel chair runners had already came back after they turned the return point at Kai.

Kahara is the district where high fashioned resort houses were located along the beach. Then we got into the highway that led to Kai where the return point was set. The highway portion was straight of about 10km distance. My right leg had crimped on the middle of highway. I stopped running and massaged my right leg myself. After a while, it became calmed in certain level, then began start running again. A water/aid station was placed in almost every one mile. All these support activities were made by volunteers of local and foreign countries. Some volunteers were taking care of runners by surfing the road on bicycle. Did I came to the half way, 20 km point? At that moment, the road was still covered by runners all the way. Thirty thousand runners were something enormous number. I was just overwhelmed by the greatness of the event.

I was at that time a very slow and fatigue runner. Reached to the return point at Kai district. The district was the area for large resort houses with motor cruiser on each house. My legs were panting for rest. I stopped and took a short rest. Took out camera from the waist porch, and asked other runner to take a photo of myself. On passing 20 miles(32km) point, my fatigue on foot were really mounting. Cheering, encouraging voice from local residents were ever increasing. "Good job", "You made it." and etc." Cool water was splashing from garden sprinkler brought to the road side. Some resident watered us with water hose directly.

I had to put myself walk from 20miles (32km) to 25 miles (40km). I pass over some of the wheel chair runner, even I was walking. These wheel chair runners were entirely different than the top running group of wheel chair runners. They were struggling with their last power to move ahead, gripping the wheels by their weak and extremely fatigue hands. I even felt guilty walking as a ordinal non-handicapped person. Diamond-head was the 25 miles point. There was only another one miles down hill left to the goal point, Capiolani park.

Turned the corner to the left, entered into the park. The goal point should be very close now. The park occupies the huge area. The last straight leg was only few hundreds meters but it looked to me a very long way. There were six lanes of goal line. Red mark was put on the number sheet that I worn on my chest by a volunteer. Another volunteer give me a shell lay over my neck.

Time: 5 hours 52 minutes 23 seconds
13,794th among 26,986 completed runners

Hanauma Bay

After arrived the goal, as instructed by the tour operator, I went to the tent shelter prepared by the tour operator. I found Mr. A already in the tent resting his fatigued body. Got received the medal of finisher and T-shirt replacing with a tip of the number.

Curry and rice were served in the tent. It was extremely delicious since I did not have any foods from 2 o'clock in the morning. At about 1 o'clock after noon, everybody of the tour member returned to the goal. We all linen up and took a group photo having Diamond-head in back. This shot was supposed to be used in next years advertisement of the tour. Back to the hotel by tour bus. Whole that afternoon would be free. We, Mr. A and I, had a tiny celebration party of two in the Korean restaurant.

Next morning, we went to Outrigger leaf Hotel on Waikiki Beach where head office of the Honolulu Marathon was placed. Certificate printed individual name and time of all runners were ready to correct. This swiftness of the organized service gave me a little surprise. In Japan, at that time, usually needed at least few weeks to mail out all certificates of the participants. 34 pages special edition's newspaper printed all participants name and their time on it was available as well at 10 dollars at the same time. The time of the last runner was 12 hours 56 minutes and 11 seconds according to the newspaper.

We rented bicycle and decided to run again the same marathon course by bicycle. What a thick lock-chains we were handed together with rented bicycle. We soon arrived to Kai district where we turned back to Waikiki. Turn around Koko crater and reached to the beach. There was Koko head where the movie Blue Hawaii was shop played by world famous singer Elvis A. Presley. We came back again to Kai district after enjoyed a real blue Hawaiian water and clear fresh air of Pacific ocean. It was worth to forget everything bothers your mind in daily life.

On our way back to Waikiki, at Kahara, dropped in McDonald to take lunch. We had another surprise of the size of Hamburger we were served. In USA, everything was made in big size. The shop was connected to the balling club where a group of elderly people were enjoying the game. All these elderly people worn a lot colorful wears and spoke out loudly. They seemed really enjoying the life after retirement from their carrier.

Hotels at Waikiki Beach

Back to Waikiki, and returned the rented bicycle. On the beach, we were happy to find that there was in sparsely populated. There were plenty of free spaces to lay down on the green lawn under the palm trees. We spent hours doing nothing on the lawn watching beautiful sunset sinking down the Pacific. It seemed that the saying, Hawaii has healing effects, was real one.

We had to wake up at 2 o'clock again in the morning the day we left Hawaii, although our plane to leave at 10 AM. Like I and Mr. A who are used to travel abroad often had no worry on departure. But the tour operator knew well that sometime it happen that someone do wrong thing and be late to the time for people who seldom travel abroad.

This time, although I felt guilty to my family left at home, it was extremely wonderful experience in both participation of the marathon and visiting Hawaii. I reckoned that area poisoned by rush of Japanese tourists was only a part of
Hawaii and a lot more wonderful places were left having pure exotic and heart-moving Hawaiian taste with wonderful nature and people. It should be certain to be the place to visit again. I determined to continue my new practice of running hoping to come again to this island in December.

Sunset Beach at Northshore

Dec/'95 Rinzo@Honolulu Hawaii (Updated on 20/Dec/'05)

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