< What is a Deportation? >
Japanese law concretely lists the reasons for deportation and when you come under any one of these reasons, you may be deported as an undesirable person to Japan.
[Main Reasons for Deportation]
You may be deported, WHEN YOU;
1. Have entered Japan illegally (no passport nor visa).
2. Have landed in Japan illegally (no landing permission).
3. Engage in activities other than permitted without a permission or excessively.
4. Stay in Japan beyond your authorized period of stay without a permission for extension (over-stay).
5. Incite, instigate or aid the illegal entry or landing.
6. Are sentenced for violation of the law.
1) Alien Registration Law
Being sentenced to the imprisonment or a heavier penalty (a suspended sentence excluded).
2) Juvenile Law
Being sentenced to the penal servitude or imprisonment for more than 3 years.
3) Drugs Control Law
Being sentenced to the penalty.
4) Other Laws
Being punished with penal servitude or imprisonment for life or more than 1 year (a suspended sentence excluded).
7. You engage in prostitution or any other business concerned.
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