Tenryu Bujutsukai Japanese Jiujitsu / Kung Fu Class in Japan  

Heavens Dragon Kung Fu Society

Heavens Dragon Kung Fu Society

Heavens Dragon Kung Fu society (Tenryu Bujutsukai) was established in 2008 as a mother of Japan Sunbinquan Association. The purpose of the establishment of our society is tradition and research of Japanese Jiu-Jitsu and Chinese Kung Fu. and promoting friendship between Japan and China.

Japan Sunbinquan Association

Japan Sunbinquan Association was founded in 2001. Purpose of succeeding Sunbinquan as an intangible cultural asset of Shandong Province, China. Sunbinquan master Zhao Yongchang is the president of the Qingdao City Sunbinquan Association in China, he is an advisor to Japan Sunbinquan Association too.

International Sunbin Association

In 2012 International Sunbin Association has certified the Japan Sunbinquan Association as a Japanese Society of the International Sunbin Association.

MOVIE (YouTube)

Promotion Video


Xingyi long spear



Empty hands





Shanxi Xingyiquan


Tai Chi


Chaquan 6lu taida

How to use

Basic exercises


Xinyiliuhequan DVD (2 volumes) was released from BAB Japan Co., Ltd.

[Consideration of common points between Ygyusinganryu and Xingyiliuhequan]

It is an article published in the December 2009 issue of the Japanese traditional Martial Arts magazine [Hiden].

Heavens Dragon Kung Fu society texts on sale.

・Sunbinquan A4 131pages 4000Yen (Non-members 6000Yen)
・Xinyiliuhequan / Xinyiquan A4 168pages 5000Yen (Non-members 7000Yen)


Heavens Dragon Kung Fu society instructor Ishii Satoshi

Born in Tenryu (Heavens Dragon) village Nagano prefecture in 1959. 1978 Introduction to the All Japan Chinese martial arts Association.
Learned to Sato Kinbei sensei, Taijiquan, Xinyiquan, Baguazhang, Shaolin jinyingquan, Japanese old martial arts (Jiu-Jitsu etc). Approved by Li Ziming sensei(Beijin BaguaZhang Association president) in the fifth generation of Baguazhang.
Received personal tutorials by Du Jin sensei came to Japan from Shanghai. Chen style Taijiquan, Zuiquan,Chaquan,etc. Learned Xinyiquan and various weapons etc. from Feng Zhengbao sensei. Received the Gold Award at the International Taijiquan tournament held in Wuhan, China in 1984.
Many TV appearances such as TVjocky. 1995 visited taiwan by inviting of International Sunbin Association. After that learned Sunbinquan in Taiwan and Qingdao China. 2001 Established Japan Sunbinquan Association. Zhao Yongchang sensei certified Satoshi Ishii as an formal successor of Sunbinquan. Visited Li Zunsi sensei(Xinyiliuhequan and Chaquan Master) in Shanghai every year since 2003 about 10 years. Learned Xinyiliuhequan, Chaquan, and various weapons. 2013 visited Wudangshan. Learned Xuanwuquan.

Heavens Dragon Kung Fu society representative   
Japan Sunbinquan Association chairman International Sunbin Association Japanese Society chairman Japanese Jiu-Jitsu Taiwado instructor Yagyusinganryu master of the XIX Xinyiliuhequan's eighth generation, instructor Baguazhang fifth generation, instructor


Secretariat of Heavens Dragon Kung Fu society (Kawaguchi-shi Saitama Prefecture)

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