Baguazhang is one of the four major Kung Fu in China. the others are Shaolinquan, Tai Chi quan, and Xingyiquan.
Dong Haichuan is the man at the end of the Qin period in China, he was the eunuch of the Zijin castle, he created Baguazhang. Baguazhang is one of the new style in Chinese martial arts.
The characteristic of Baguazhang is skillfully waves the whole body, light and peculiarity step, and quick direction change. When fighting, Because it uses the palm that opened the five fingers to do defense and attack, it has the name of Baguazhang(palm) rather than Baguaquan(fist).
Baguazhang's form of turning in a circle is very similar to Aikido, it is said that after Ueshiba Morihei learned Daito Ryou, he went to China for Manchuria pioneering. At that time he watching the movements of the Baguazhang, after that he created Aikido based on the technique of Baguazhang.
Dong Haichuan teached a lot of disciples. Because he based on the martial arts to which each disciple has learned, taught them changed the style of Baguazhang. So today there are handed down so many styles of Baguazhang.
Among them, it is said that there are two major styles in it, one is Yin style Baguazhang handed down by Yi Fu(he was Dong Haichuan 's first disciple), the other one is Cheng style Baguazhang handed down by Cheng Tinghua.

We practice Cheng style Baguazhang at our association, the base is the eight major palms, others are Baguazhang 64 palms( 64 types of prearranged kumite), Bagua both hands sword, Mandarin duck halberd, Two-headed spear, and Chicken nails sword etc.

The founder of Baguazhang. Dong Haichuan

Dong Haichuan(1813?~1882) was serving as a tea ceremony in the Imperial Court In Qing Dynasty. After that he was found to the king and came to serve as the head of bodyguard.
He was born in Zhujiawu village 25li Prefecture An Prefecture Hebei province. His childhood name is Hai, he renamed to Haichuang after he grew up.
He likes martial art since childhood. His personality is dynamic and chivalrous, respecting righteousness. He learned many kinds of Kung Fu and weapons, after that he sought a good master and he traveled various places in China, when he arrived at the Jiuhua Mountain Anhui Province, he met Hua Chengxia, and he learned Turning technique of Baguazhang from Hua Chengxia.
Dong Haichuan named this technique " Swimming body of Bagua linkage style ", he taught this in Beijing, after that he taught this technique at the royal palace.Dong Haichuan named this technique " Swimming body of Bagua linkage style ", he taught this in Beijing, after that he taught this technique at the royal palace. Because his Baguazhang became very famous, a lot of people learned from him. His famous disciples are Cheng Tinghua, Liang Zhenpu, Ma Weisi, Liu Fengchun, Zong Yongxiang, Zong Changrong, and Yi Fu etc. Li Zunyi and Zhang Zhankui who famous of Xingyiquan, they also learned Baguazhang to Dong Haichuan.

Famous disciples of the second and third generation of Baguazhang

Yi Fu
Cheng Tinghua
Liang Zhenpu

Zhang Zhankui
Pei Xirong
Li Ziming

The name seal and the Certificate of fifth generation of Baguazhang.
These are Master Li Ziming gave Satoshi Ishii.
Master Li Ziming was Chairman of the Beijing Baguazhang society(Third generation).