reference documents of Martial arts

We commentary here on various points necessary for traditional martial arts.
Depending on the content, there may be pros and cons, but I hope you will find the document useful. Please point out if there are any mistakes.

Sato Kinbei sensei and his traditional martial arts.

I have received a teaching from Sato Kinbei sensei for long time. I think his words are full of the Old samurai spirits.

The secret of traditional martial arts.

This is a reference text of martial art that I wrote it as I thought.

The secret of progress

This is also my reference text.
I think that attitude to learning is important for progress.


Excerpt from the book of five rings and its commentary.

Ygyusinganryu and Xingyiliuhequan

Consideration of common points between Ygyusinganryu and Xingyiliuhequan.
It is an article published in the December 2009 issue of the Japanese traditional Martial Arts magazine [Hiden].