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Japanese old martial arts (Jiu-jutsu /Hei-jutsu) are teaching once a month, and every Kung Fu classes also teaches jiu-jitsu technique as part of applied practice.
Taiwado (Japanese traditional Jiu-jutsu)
There are locking techniques, throwing techniques, tightening techniques,
and blow techniques in Japanese Jiu-jutsu, others are weapons techniques
such as Hishigi(Short stick), Jou(stick),Bou(rod).
Kinbei Sato sensei learnd many Japanese traditional martial arts from childhood,
and he attained a lot of 'menkyo-kaiden' (full proficiency), such as Takeda-Ryu
Aiki-jutsu(44th generation), Ittenryuushin-ryu Tyukai-jutsu(2nd generation),
Yagyushingan-ryu(tradition of Yawarahiko), Daito-ryu Aiki. Jiu-jutsu(passde
down from Yamamoto Kakugi), Araki-ryu Jiu-jutsu, Asayama Ichiden-ryu Jiu-jutsu,
Kukishin-ryu Bou-jutsu etc.
After that he founded Taiwado by extracting only effective techniques in
actual fight.
Yagyushingan-ryu Hei-jutsu
Yagyushingan-ryu tastes different from other styles of Japanese Jiu-Jutsu,
this is a style created for Hand-to-hand fighting at the battlefield, so
it is full of murderous intent, and scares the enemy with a furious spirit,
there is no other martial arts like this. Yagyushingan-ryu has pass down
the Samurai spirit on the battlefield to the present.
It is said if you continuing practice swing hand for 3 years it will be
like a sword, after practicing for many years, you can crush the enemy
's arm in one swing.
Yagyushingan-ryu started from Takenaga Hayato who is around the 18th century.
Takenaga Hayato was born in Sendai, he learned a lot of martial arts, after
that he went to Edo, he became Yagyu-Tjimanokami's apprentice, practiced
Jiu-jutsu for three years. After returning home, he added his own ideas
to techniques he learned, he called this original Jiu-jutsu “Yagyushingan-ryu”,
and he taught it those who wish to learn.
Sato Kinbei sensei learned Yagyushingan-ryu from Suzuki Sensaku sensei.
He is a lineage of Hoshi Teikichi. Hoshi Teikichi was born in Shinden-Village
Kurihara-Gun Miyagi Prefecture, when he was young he learned at his hometown,
from Satake Yuzo and at Aisawa Dojo in Sanuma. After that he visited various
places and studied Martial arts.
It is said that he learned from Kato Gonzo in Dewa, and gained inspiration
of Yagyushingan-ryu, he further studied and built up the foundation of
Yagyushingan-ryu, he trained many disciples.
He is considered the father of the restoration of Yagyushingan-ryu.
Representative of Heavens Dragon Kung Fu society Ishii Satoshi is only
one who was given Yagyushingan-ryu’s traditional name by Sato Kinbei sensei.
His Yagyushingan-ryu’s traditional name is Iwamori(巌盛). This is a tradition
transmitted to Yagyushingan-ryu.
Photo shows Sato Kinbei sensei (left), performs Yagyushingan-ryu
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Asayama Ichiden-ryu
Asayama Sangoro Ichiden created Asayama Ichiden-ryu, after learned many
type ob Jiu-jutsu, this style is mainly locking techniques and blow techniques..
Asayama Ichiden-ryu was never allowed to be taken out of the Aizu han,
Daito-ryu also handed down to the Aizu Han, so you can see in Daito-ryu
the same techniques as Asayama Ichiden-ryu.
Sato Kinbei sensei learned Asayama Ichiden-ryu from Ueno Takashi sensei(16th
generation of the Asayama Ichiden-ryu). Ueno sensei gave certificate of
17th generation to Sato sensei in December 1954.
There are rare locking techniques called Hishigi-jutsu, that use weapon
of short stick of 36cm and 24cm.
Hishigi-jutsu |
Daito-ryu Jiu-jutsu(from Yamamoto Kakugi)
Shinra Saburo Yoshimitsu is the founder of Daito-ryu Jiu-jutsu, he is an
ancestor of Genji Takeda family in Kai.
Daito-ryu Jiu-jutsu that is transmitted now is made by Takeda Sogaku, he
adding techniques that he gained by himself to traditional Jiu-jutsu.
Yamamoto Kakugi is the last disciple of Takeda Sogaku, when Takeda Sogaku
died in Aomori, there was Yamamoto Kakugi cared him.
Yamamoto Kakugi sensei’s real name is Tomekichi, he got two words(kanji)
of the name from Takeda Sougaku (Minamotono Masayoshi) and named Kakugi.
Founder of Aikido
Certificate and text of Aikido