EHome Page       EProcedures for Residence (Top)

EApplication Proxy System  EExtension of Period of Stay

EChange of Status of Residence   EPermanent Residence

EEngaging in Activities other than permitted

EAcquiring Status of Residence    ERe-entry Permission

EAlien Registration       ENaturalization

  <What is a Change of Status of Residence? >

[Permission to Change a Status of Residence]

When you intend to change your present status of residence to another one and remain in Japan, you shall apply for and obtain a permission. Please make sure that the application for change does not always mean that it will be approved.

  For example, a holder of status of residence "
College Student" to be employed in Japan after his graduation, a resident getting married with Japanese national, etc. may apply for the change.

[Engaging in an Activity other than Permitted without changing a Status of Residence]

When you engage in activity other than permitted without a permission, you shall be subject to punishment and deportation. When deported, you can not enter Japan for 5 years from the date of deportation.

[Changing a Status of Residence "Temporary Visitor" to another one]

Generally, the change is not permitted. However, the application may be approved exceptionally in the following cases.

   1. When a foreigner living abroad comes to Japan to get
       married with Japanese national and after marriage, applies for
       a change to "
Spouse or Child of Japanese National".

        In this case, it is mandatory that a foreigner shall obtain a visa
       for short stay at a Japanese embassy or consulate abroad and a
       status of residence "
Temporary Visitor (90 days)" when 
       entering Japan.

        Therefore, this is not applicable to a foreigner coming to
        Japan without obtaining a visa, even if he is a national of the
        country concluding the visa exemption agreement with Japan.

   2. When a foreigner obtains a certificate of eligibility for working
       status of residence, while staying in Japan with "
       Visitor (90 days)".

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